February/March News!

February/March News!

So much Exciting News to share with you this month!!

The universe has been responding with a resounding yes for Janine Pitta Art!

The big news is that as of February 1, 2023, Janine Pitta Art is no longer sharing a space to teach art classes, and we are now renting the entire space! There will be a lot of work to make the space into what I envision and we’ll be taking a 2 week break towards the end of February to start getting things in place. 

In honor of this exciting news I have a special 1 week only discount code for anyone that signs up for any classes in the "new" space!

Early Bird Special - 10% off your order for any classes if ordered by February 1, 2023! 

I'm so grateful for all the continued support as my business grows!

All classes/pop-ups listed below!!

Valentine’s Day Pop-Up - Saturday 2/4/23 (9am-12pm)

Before work begins on the space, we’ll be holding a Valentine’s Day Pop-Up event on Saturday, February 4 - come and make some fun Valentine’s day cards/gifts and we’ll even have classroom sets of cards to create!! 


2 Kid Art Classes a Week  at the Studio (Tuesdays and Fridays beginning on 2/28 and 3/3/23)

We’ll be having 2 classes a week starting at the end of February! Poll results had Tuesdays and Fridays with the most number of votes. We’ll try those days out to see how it goes! There will be the same projects each week in both classes, so hopefully one of the days works for you! 

Tuesday: https://janinepittaart.com/products/adventures-in-art-5-week-course-tuesdays-2-27-23-3-28-23

Friday: https://janinepittaart.com/products/adventures-in-art-5-week-course-fridays-3-03-23-3-31-23


Adult Art Night - Sunday, February 26, 2023 

Media TBD, but I’m considering doing polymer clay as the media we’ll be trying this month. Everyone that has been coming to Adult Nights has been having a blast! Come and create with me - adults need art in their lives too! 



Mark your calendars for March 11th as Janine Pitta Art turns 1 and we will be having a Grand Opening at the new space. More information is coming soon!


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